Monday, November 8, 2010

Message from Rita Rodriguez, West Valley 4th Grade Teacher

I have been reading the book called 31 Days of Power by: Ruth and Warren Myers. I am going to share a piece from it with you:

“You are my perfect Refuge, though the worst may come upon me—distress, grief, slander, even persecution. I’m so glad that You’re my Deliverer when Satan conspires against me, directly or through people, seeking to destroy me emotionally, spiritually, even physically. I take my stand against him in Jesus’ name. I trust in you, for You are my God; my times are in your hand, not in the hand of any enemy, visible or invisible. My destiny is under Your control, not Satan’s. I count on You to deliver in both current and future attacks. My eyes are continually toward You, for You will pluck my feet out of the net. These words are powerful words that we can pray.”

Their inspiration in writing this is from:
Psalm 31:16-14
14 But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, "You are my God."
15 My times are in your hands;
deliver me from my enemies
and from those who pursue me.
16 Let your face shine on your servant;
save me in your unfailing love.

Psalm 25:15
15 My eyes are ever on the LORD,
for only he will release my feet from the snare.

I can know that no matter what comes our way in life, today, tomorrow, whenever, I can remember to trust in our Powerful God who lets His face shine upon us, who delivers us from the enemy, and who gives us His unfailing love. Have a wonderful, power-filled day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Rita for a good and timely reminder.


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