Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Message from Joe Frost, Director of Technology & Operations

Matthew-9:18-35 ...a woman who had suffered...for 12 years...said to herself, "if only I touch his [Jesus'] garment, I will be made well" [and she was]. [A ruler's daughter had died]...and when Jesus came to the ruler's house...he [Jesus] went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose...two blind men followed him [Jesus] crying aloud, "Have mercy on us"...Then he touched their eyes...And their eyes were opened...A demon-oppressed man who was mute was brought to him [Jesus]...And when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke...And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching...and proclaiming the gospel...and healing every disease and every affliction...Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."


Jesus is hanging out with some new friends at dinner when suddenly all ministry breaks loose. Dinner is officially over...

Some guy without an invitation crashes the group begging Jesus to come revive his daughter that just died - okay, good reason to disrupt the dinner party - and they head out.

While he's on the way some lady grabs just the edge of his jacket and Jesus catches her, but instead of telling her to back off he tells her that her faith has healed her.

Finally, they arrive at the first guy's house and there's a crowd, but these people laugh at him instead of listen, so he just goes inside, takes the dead girl's hand as if to arouse her from sleep and she gets right up. I sure wish I could have seen her dad's face when she came running out to see him!

No sooner does he leave the girl with her dad when a couple blind guys come begging Jesus to heal them. So he touches their eyes and tells them according to their faith they're healed.

And just when you think it's time for a break, another crowd brings a really scary guy to him that they say has a demon and can't talk. So, Jesus gets rid of the demon and the guy starts talking. I'm sure he said thanks in there somewhere, but remember this guy hasn't talked for a while...

This reads like it's just another day in the life of Jesus. He eats. He hangs out with friends. His schedule is flexible. He prioritizes ministry over partying. He heals a lot of people. He doesn't react when people laugh at him or make mean accusations.

And HE challenges us not just to pray that HE sends out workers to do the same - HE challenges us to follow HIM and BE THE WORKERS that do the same...

1 comment:

  1. Joe: Great entry today. Thanks for sharing it. "All ministry breaks loose..." Loved it!


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