Friday, September 3, 2010

Message from Joe Frost Director of Technology & Operations

James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.


We long to know what to do when our way is not clear. So many choices must be decided, not just between good & evil, but frequently between now & later, good & better, you pick...

Our decisions are based on experience, whether it's our own or those closest to us that we trust and that's fine, but we as Christians have another source to develop, to lean on, to listen to.

As Christians, in our life long walk with our God, Creator, Father, Dad, Savior, Friend we grow closer in our relationship to Him as we spend time daily with Him.

And just as we talk with our friends about those things close to our hearts and minds we can talk with our Lord...and pray.

We can base our decisions, our very lives on the wisdom that comes from above, His Word...and pray.

We're called to live a life so unique that the world will be drawn to Him through how we choose to live our lives for Him.

Living daily in dependence on wisdom that comes from above is just one of those choices.


  1. Great reminder for us Joe. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Joe, for the base zero reminder!
    In our "Zoom-zoom" world, as the car commercial tagged onto, we can be spinning our wheels before we even get our engine started if we don't FIRST seek God's wisdom!


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