Friday, January 13, 2012

Message from Dave Huss, High School Teacher


Jesus said, ‘Except you…..become as little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.’ Matt. 18:3 . Paul adds ‘…ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry ‘Abba’ Father.’ Rom. 8:15.

When our oldest of then 5 adopted children, Danny, was 6 yrs old, we lived in rural North Dakota with three other houses in our mile square section. Our neighbor to the east had one 4 yr old boy who happened to be adopted also. An eighth of a mile to the west on the gravel road was a family with 3 small children, one of whom was also adopted.

One Sunday afternoon, we had invited one of Danny’s Sunday school classmates to spend the day with us. As they were playing downstairs in the basement ( it was winter), I overheard the following conversation:

Classmate to Danny: ‘Do you know that you’re adopted?’

Danny: ‘Yes, I know. Are you adopted?’

Classmate: ‘No.’

Danny: ‘Why not?’

As I reflect on this little conversation, it seems to me to be a microcosm of the great commission the LORD gave us prior to ascending to heaven. The good news is adoption into the family of God is available. Should we not in child-like obedience to Him be continually asking ‘Are you adopted?’ and ‘Why not?’ There’s plenty of room in the family- the old chorus goes. May the Spirit give us the grace help someone, perhaps even in our own classroom, to enter the ‘Family of God’.

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