Friday, January 14, 2011

Message from Harold Harmon, High School Teacher

“My heart bursts with praises to God;
every fiber of my being reaches out in rejoicing!
How can I ever forget His blessings?
He forgives my sins;
He touches my afflictions with healing;
He snatches me back from the gaping jaws of hell;
He covers me with concern and love;
He fulfills my deepest desires and gives me
meaning for life and purpose for living.” Psalms 103.

I read the obituaries almost every day and generally find myself praying for the families of the deceased. It is sobering to find that almost half of those listed are younger than I. It is also interesting to read that virtually everyone was a saint in this life and all are now resting in the arms of God. I sometimes wonder what my family will write about me and if they will exercise the same level of forgiveness for my shortcomings as others seemly are afforded.

This is one of my favorite Psalms. As I grow older and realize that more of my years are behind me than ahead, the loving-kindness of our God is becoming more understandable and apparent. I like to think it is because I have become less earthly minded in my dreams and pursuits. Perhaps it is because my earthly purpose for living has become blurred. I used to cry when my dad would say he felt so unnecessary. When we feel unnecessary and that our petty efforts will never make a real difference, it is good to remember that God gives meaning to life and a real purpose for living.

1 comment:

  1. Harold,

    Thanks for your thoughts and for bringing a blessing daily to these kids.



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