Monday, January 10, 2011

Matthew-5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, God's perfect rightness, that which is of God and only comes from God.

Those who are acutely aware of their need for righteousness as much as their need for food and drink, seeking it over and over again throughout the day, yes, they truly understand what is fulfilling and satisfying. They've reached the point of desperation and are driven to find nourishment from God.

They won't settle for a quick fix, cheap substitute, or temporary thrill ride, but push on regardless of the cost to satisfy that throbbing hunger pang, tongue swollen, lip chapped, craving for God.

They know their pursuit of God is not in vain as if it were a mirage, but rather an oasis of life. Though once emaciated and dehydrated, faltering and fatigued now they grow strong in Him, only Him.

These God chasers will be satisfied. Come, join the pursuit.

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