Peace Like a River
As a natural worry wart and control freak, I struggle with submitting to
God. I struggle with the concept of allowing someone else to control what
I do and when I do it. With this being said, God has made the concept of
peace quite prevalent in my life.
When I was in my teaching program,
I started struggling with giving up control. I was given the calling of
being a teacher when I was 6 years old. When I finally got into the
teaching program, it was a dream come true and nothing was going to stop
me. God had other plans. It took me 7 times to pass my California
teacher’s test. Even though I had felt this calling on my life, I felt
like God was trying to give me a sign that I was no longer supposed to be a
teacher. This caused great confusion in my life and I was left feeling
empty. With support and advice from friends and family, I did not give
up. The final time I took my test, I walked out knowing I had most likely
failed the test. It left me so discouraged. I immediately started
praying asking God to give me a sign for what He wants me to do and to allow me
to trust Him. After that prayer, I felt a peace and I decided it was time
to give Him control. The week I was supposed to find out if I passed my
test, PC called me and asked me if I wanted a job. I was so overwhelmed
by joy and excitement at this clear sign God had given me. 2 days later,
I had found out I passed my final test and was officially certified to teach.
Once I gave up control, God was allowed to work.
This is a lot like the Israelites. So many times God asked for them to
trust Him and He would guide them. However, they did not want to listen
to Him because they thought their own ways were better than God’s.
Isaiah 48:17-18 is a clear example of the God yearning for the Israelites to
listen. “This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of
Israel: ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who
directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to
my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the
waves of the sea.
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