Monday, February 2, 2015

Message from Laura Huizenga, HS/MS Choir Teacher

Genesis 1:26-27: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

I was at my church’s women’s ministry night last week, and the speaker spoke about Genesis 1:26-27, and what it means for us to be made in the image of God. She spoke about the fact that we each bear God’s image in a unique way.  When we walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit, we are reflecting who God is in a unique way, because He made each of us precisely, uniquely, us.

The speaker’s focus was on the fact that we women tend to look in a mirror and be disappointed at what we see, and that we need to bring that response to Jesus and ask Him to help us see how God’s image is uniquely reflected in us. 

But one of the things she said in passing caught my attention, and convicted me.  She said, “When someone else is acting in a way that hurts me, I can respond with anger and vitriol, or I can seek to see God’s image in that person.”

I wrestled with that, I must confess. I’ve been offended.  I don’t WANT to see God’s image in the offender. I want to pray the smite Psalms. And yet…

And yet, each person, including the person who sins against me, has been made in God’s image. If I wrestle with God in prayer, will He allow me to see some ways in which that person bears His image? Will God help me to see that I need to pray earnestly for someone who is snared in the grip of darkness and deception which are obscuring God’s image? 

And more convicting yet, will God open my eyes to the darkness in my own soul which has been obscuring God’s image?

Lord Jesus, help me to see my own sin and renounce it.  Help me to pray for those who offend me, and to seek Your image in them.  Rescue us from darkness.  We need You! 

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