recently spent some time reading 1st and 2nd Kings, along
with Deuteronomy. At first it was depressing to read about how all these kings
ruled Israel and failed in so many ways. They broke so many of the stipulations
God had laid out for his nation in the book of Deuteronomy. Manasseh burnt his
son as an offering (2 Kings 21:16); Solomon loved many women, set up an Asherah
pole, worshiped an Ammonite god named Milcom, and built a high place for Chemosh,
a Moabite god (1 Kings 11); Saul disobeyed God and let Agag live (1 Samuel
15:8). And the list goes on and on. All the kings of Israel failed. Not one of
them was perfect.
led me to reread Revelation where I read about a perfect king (chapter 19) who
is called Faithful and True. He will
judge the ungodly and rule with an iron scepter, but he will also make all
things new (chapter 20) and will give
his bride, whom he made pure and flawless, a beautiful new city where sin is no longer reigning. He will wipe away every tear, get rid of death, and remove
mourning, sadness, and pain.
brought comfort to me. Even though all the kings failed, God is our eternal
king who will some day come back and rule with truth and grace. While we
celebrate the Christmas season, we celebrate Jesus’ first coming, but his
second coming should also be on our minds. I love the song “Joy to the World”
because it captures Jesus’ second coming.
Joy to the world! The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders and wonders of His love
In the midst of the commercialized craziness,
remember Jesus and why he came, but also remember to live a life that is full
of daily repentance and obedience to Christ, and that is ready for Jesus’
second coming where he reigns as our perfect, just, loving king.
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