Monday, September 29, 2014

Message from Jan Wolfe, Art Teacher

Test score driven curriculum scares me a bit.  I hear my family members, who teach in the public sector, complain about having to constantly teach to a test.  Salaries are tied into how their students perform. So I approached our faculty in-service with a bit of fear as we addressed test scores.  I then realized that test scores can help us better teach our students OUR curriculum.  We don’t have to change what we teach, just adjust how we teach it for our students who have low scores.  I then began to wonder, what if God gave a standardized test?  What would my scores look like?  Would I have areas that I need additional teaching, and re-teaching?  What would my scores in compassion, or faith, or helping others look like?  Would I be low in talking to others about Jesus?  If I were his only student, would Jesus get a raise?   

Fortunately, God doesn’t do standardized tests.  He just gives a final exam at the end called judgment.  That in some ways is even scarier, as we don’t have a baseline score to tell us how we are doing.  That’s why God gave us his Holy Spirit to help us develop a baseline and work on improving.  That’s something I can do, is try to tune in better to the ‘teacher’ that God has given us here on earth.  I would like to think that when I meet my maker, that he will not only say ‘well done’, but also, thanks to you I got a raise.

Acts 1:4 
And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

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