The story of the Paralytic.
Vs. 18 “And behold some men were carrying on a bed a man who
was paralyzed; and they were trying to bring him in, and set him down in front
of Him.”
Vs. 19 “And not finding any way to bring him in because of
the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his
stretcher, right in the center, in front
of Jesus.”
I heard a sermon on this story a while back and it touches
me every time I hear it or read this story. What you have to like about the
paralytic and his friends is that they were a determined group, full of passion
and had a goal.
Things do not go as they had planned but that did not stop
the men. Do you have any days like that?
They had to do something drastic. There was an opportunity to see Jesus and get
their friend healed. They had to climb the walls and bust through a roof. The men did not care how they got to Jesus
and on that day and nothing was going to stop them. They found an opportunity and got it done.
The man was lowered right in front of Jesus.
Jesus healed him and told him to take his bed and go home.
I wished I was more than the paralytic and his friends. In
the craziness of that day, they had created a way to get to Jesus. Nothing
stopped them. NO crowd or walls would prevent them from their goal.
An important part of our life is to create some God space in
our daily lives. Otherwise we may just face an obstacle and give up.
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