So let's just say being a mother of 4 is certainly the
greatest challenge of my life! This last weekend felt like an episode of Nanny
911 except I didn't have the Super Nanny flying in to save the day. After a
long trying day on Sunday, I escaped out to the front porch to try to find my
way back to sanity. As I let out a deep
sigh, I found myself reflecting on the "centering" prayer that Jeff
taught that very Sunday morning at Joy. "Be still and know that I am
God." So I began with Be Still. Why is this so hard for us? I ask this
question to my kids all of the time. Why can't you just be still? I'm sure
that's what God's asking us. Why
can't you just "be" Lisa? I
want you to be still with me Lisa. I want you to be with me Lisa. I want you to
be still and know Lisa. I want you to be still and know Lisa that I am. I want
you to be still and know that I am God Lisa. Be still when you're trying to
make dinner and you have two little ones crying for your attention. I Am God!
Be still when you look at that stack of 50 essays to grade. I Am God! Be still
when you hear the news you've always dreaded. I Am God! Be still when you're
head is pounding, you're back is aching, you're stomach churning. I Am God! Be
still be still be still. I wonder how many more times I 'll need to hear that
before it becomes second nature. It's almost as if we cannot really KNOW God
until we are still. I often reflect on my grandfather's last few months. With
his memory failing and his body deteriorating, I imagine him in his stillness and
can't help but believe that He was in this powerful communion with His God.
The funny thing is even just sitting here for these few
minutes tonight "being still" I find myself breathing more deeply,
experiencing the peace that can only be found when we rest in the truth that He
Is God!
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