Friday, October 21, 2011

Message from Kristin Ornoski, Development

As I planned for my devotion I came across one of my favorite devotion books “When I’m on My Knees” and found something that I needed to be reminded of. I hope that it gives you comfort and peace as well! Have a Blessed and Fantastic Day!!

Through Life’s Changes

Thank You, Father, for always being with me, not only now but for eternity. You were here before the earth and galaxies were formed. I marvel at how You have no beginning or end.

Life changes through the years, but You do not. You remain the same yesterday, today, and through all the tomorrows to come. Even though You never change, You perceive every season of my life. Thank You, Lord, for taking time to know everything about me and for caring for my insignificant (yet important to me) needs.

Everything that is good and perfect comes from You, O Lord and Creator. How great are Your fullness and wonder. You shine on my life day and night with no shadow of turning away. Thank You for keeping the promises You gave in Your Word. You never forsake, You never fail. You are truth, You are life.

When I go through life’s changes, I sometimes find myself getting way off base. But you snatch me from destructive situations. Thank You for being here. At times I can’t see why things happen the way they do. But You know, and You are still here. Thank You for being patient with me. Thank You for how Your compassion and love never fail.

I’m growing in my walk with You. Because of all You teach me, I’m learning to give my joys, my worries, my disappointments, my goals, and dreams. They are all in Your sure hands. Lord, You are first now in everything I do and plan.

What a comfort to know You will live forever and ever, and that I can always be with You. You have promised to always be my God, and keep me Your child. Through eternity, I cling to You, the Rock of my salvation. I shall never fear, for You are with me. You are first, last, always, my God and my dearest Friend.

By Anita Corrine Donhue

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