Friday, May 6, 2011

Message from Joe Frost, Director of Technology & Operations

Matthew-4:18-25 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, [Jesus] saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Immediately they left their nets and followed him.... He saw two other brothers, James...and John, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and He called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him.


Jesus is walking along the seashore and He sees a couple of guys down the beach, not far off shore, out in a boat working hard to keep the business going. Jesus watches them cast out the net, one grabs an oar to paddle the boat slowly while the other lets out the net carefully to sink down into their favorite fishing hole. They might even have one haul of fish already in the boat by this time, but suddenly they hear Jesus yell out to them - follow me - and they immediately row to shore, and leave everything behind and follow Him.

That's tough. You know what you're called to do and you're doing it. You're working; in fact, you're working pretty hard because you know that without hard work the paycheck will be pretty slim. Especially with a trade like fishing where the more you bring in the more you have to sell. So, there's some incentive to keep on working it hard until it's time to go to market.

But along comes Jesus and everything changes. They leave their family, their business, their hope for a secure future, and everything else to simply respond to the call of Jesus and follow him. And it certainly isn't to follow Him to a better fishing location - at least not for fish.

They keep walking and Jesus sees another pair of brothers, James and John.

They too are fishermen hard at work. The only difference seems to be that these two are working to repair the nets with their dad and the other two were casting in their nets by themselves. But, differences aside even James and John immediately leave their dad, their nets, and therefore their security and embark on a risky adventure that changes the world - for all time.

And for many, though years have passed, this scenario is still remarkably similar in lives today. Where were we when He called us? What were we doing the day when we finally gave it all up and followed Jesus? Some respond and go to be missionaries in a foreign land. Others may be compelled to pursue a pastorate.

Many more of us hear Jesus and remain right where we are and that may be exactly what He wants. Not all of us are called to leave, at least not physically. We are, however, all called to leave behind whatever hinders our relationship with Jesus once He calls us.

Let's follow Him daily, reading His Word, living the life He calls us to because by doing so we get to step out into the unknown and embark on an adventure that continues to change the world - with Jesus - right now - right where we are.

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