Friday, August 20, 2010

Message from Joe Frost Director of Technology & Operations

James-1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.


Solitary confinement: A holding cell for those finding themselves incarcerated for their choices. Alone, without friends or family.

Orphans, abandoned, alone, solitary, but not by their own choices. A widow, without the one she hoped with whom she would cherish for a lifetime, now alone.

So many orphans & widows just want a caring gesture, sincere compassion, time spent with a loving family even if it's not their own, even if just for an afternoon.

Whatever time we can spare, intentionally impacting the lives of others with something as simple as a visit, helps dispel the feelings of solitary confinement and fosters love; pure religion.

It takes time to love others. And time is so hard to find. But in our search for God's will in our lives we don't have to search far to see He wants us to care for others, like orphans & widows.

Time well spent on others, living out pure religion, loving God and others, leaves much less time for oneself to become stained by the world...

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