Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt
and into Canaan, the Promised Land.
While Moses was praised by God on several occasions, we must not forget
how reluctant he was at the beginning of his journey (Exodus 3). He lacked self confidence and doubted his
abilities to speak (Exodus 4).
Additionally, he experienced great struggle and failure during his time
as leader. He dealt daily with
complaints from the same people he had led out of slavery. During his journey, it appeared as if nothing
was ever going to satisfy the masses of Israelites. They were hungry, thirsty, tired, bored, and
generally lacked faith (Numbers, Exodus, and Leviticus). Those people had witnessed plagues, miracles
and war. The Israelites needed constant
reminders about the purpose of their journey and who God was.
As teachers, coaches, staff and administrators, we need
constant faith in order to lead these students.
The phrase “kids now-a-days!” appears to be a lot less accurate than
what we would first believe. The ADULTS
in these parables we read about were the ones doing the complaining, taking
short cuts, and ultimately, not being accountable. The more we read scripture, we find that
Moses, an adult, did his best, and screwed up plenty of times. He was not a perfect man, but he was a
We are all called here to serve at Phoenix Christian. We must do our best to have a servant’s heart
and understand that our students are no different from the people Moses
led. It is a constant struggle to get
these students to do what we want, when we want and how we want. It is our job to motivate and help our
students. Students are not different
from 10 years ago, 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago. NEITHER ARE THE ADULTS. The technology and accessibility to resources
are different, but not the people.
Hear this: God knows each one of your hearts, just as he
knew Moses’ heart. Remain steadfast in
your goals for Phoenix Christian. Thank
you for all of your hard work and dedication.
We have 2 months remaining before we reach the “promised land” of